COPE represents workers in various public and private sectors such as Health Care, Education, Financial Services, Labour Organizations, Non-Profit and Government agencies. COPE workers have experienced staff representatives on their side who represent them in WSIB cases, Arbitration, Grievances and Negotiations.  We provide all necessary  assistance, and guidance to our local unions and their members, to the end that all these members may share in the benefits resulting from employment under the terms of signed collective agreements which provide:

  • above average compensation for services performed
  • shorter hours of employment and premium pay for overtime and holiday  work
  • the maximum possible job security and assurance of advancement opportunities at their workplace
  • above average annual paid vacation and sick leave allowance sufficient to meet all normal circumstances
  • equitable grievance handling procedures and other employment protection

Union membership means that it is no longer you versus management. You have a voice.

Who We Are

We are a membership-driven organization with affiliation to the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) and the Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL) giving us strength in millions, allowing our members to have a voice in all issues affecting working people. It is also the purpose and aim of the Council to inform, advise and educate workers in the principles and policies of this Union and of the benefits and gains which they may achieve through organizing and collective bargaining.

Our History & Vision

The Canadian Office and Professional Employees Union — “COPE” — is one of the newest Canadian unions formed when 74% of our membership voted to leave the Office and Professional Employees International Union (OPEIU) and form our own autonomous Canadian union, COPE.

Our vision from the COPE/SEPB National: 

Our Vision is to make COPE a household name to both existing and new union members, to continue to proudly display our COPE SEPB logo as we bring unionization to unorganized workplaces and to the public as we better educate society on the value and important role of Unions today.

Every person has a right to be treated with dignity and respect. We believe that by working together, through our union, we can improve working conditions, strengthen our communities and make society a better place to live.

Join us — Together we can make a difference!

Why be unionized?

Unionized jobs are good jobs because they provide workers with far better working conditions, negotiated pay raises, better prescription drug, dental, and vision coverage, and more paid vacation and sick days than non-union jobs.

With a unionized job, you have a dispute procedure in place to legally protect yourself against unfair discipline or dismissal. Unionized workers also enjoy better pension benefits, protection against management harassment, and seniority rights when it comes to scheduling, vacation, job security, and representation should you become sick or injured.

The union advantage is clear and significant.  Unions have brought you and continue to fight for:

  • Weekends
  • Paid vacations
  • The 8-hour work day
  • Ending child labour
  • Work breaks, including paid lunch breaks
  • Equal pay for equal work for women
  • Abolition of sweatshops
  • Sick leave
  • Canada Pension Plan
  • Universal health care
  • The minimum wage
  • Pregnancy and parental Leave
  • The right to strike (non-essential workers)
  • Anti-discrimination rules at work
  • Overtime pay
  • Occupational health and safety
  • 40 hour work week
  • Worker’s compensation
  • Employment Insurance
  • Pensions
  • Public education
  • Collective bargaining rights for employees
  • Wrongful termination laws
  • Whistleblower protection laws
  • Anti-sexual harassment laws

Please don’t lose sight of what unions have done for you historically, presently and what they will do for your future by protecting your jobs and securing your future.



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